Thank you for hopping on over! I have a spring inspired dinner party to share today and some gardeny stuff at the end. It was our turn for the monthly Second Friday Friends Group. My menu was inspired by what would be good and easy and springish to serve a group of 12. My colors were inspired by the green hellebores and yellow cymbidiums from the garden. I had this table for six in the dining room and another table for six in the kitchen and cannot believe I did not get pictures of that table, but it was just as pretty! I made beef stroganoff and the other partiers brought an appetizer of mini quiches, a first course of beet salad, the noodles for the stroganoff and chocolate lava cake for dessert. We were quite spoiled, especially yours truly, the hostess, as all I had to do was make the stroganoff and set the tables. Party day felt like I had a bit too much free time on my hands!
The party favors were shortbread cookies from this recipe tied with string and adorned with a little wooden chickie. In case you cannot tell (and not everyone could tell) the wee chick is cracking out of its eggshell that is sitting in the grass. He still has a little bit of cracked egg shell on his head and a felt triangle for a beak. My friends still have small grandchildren so these are passed on to the appropriate littles.
All of the seeds have been started and we've begun to prepare the raised beds. There are a few seeds I'll plant directly in the soil such as the sunflowers and green beans, probably in April. It won't be long now before we begin the garden chores in earnest!
That's it for today. I hope you have a lovely weekend and week ahead! Knitting content soon!
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- March 22, 2025