A gift for dolly: tam, skirt and sweater pattern, yours for free!

December 28, 2014

If you know any little girls, I'm sure you've noticed that American Girl Dolls are all the rage! A few of my friend's grandchildren were getting American Girl Dolls for Christmas, and you all know how I love to knit little sweaters! I set to work right away on creating a cute ensemble, and this is what I came up with. I offer the sewing patterns and knitting pattern for free. Your Christmas knitting is probably over, but save this for next year or the next time you need a quick little gift for a special little girl. While I intended this to be an adult project, an older child with some experience using the sewing machine will be able to make the skirt easily on her own. However, be aware that she may need some help with the hat. The purple sweater is my own design and is easy even for a beginner knitter. The pattern has been tested many times; use a row counter and follow my instructions to a T and your sweater will be perfect!  The light blue sweater is also a free pattern called Boxy Cardigan by Emily Ivey. Snickerdoodle, the purple sweater, is knit in one piece and is top down. Emily's long-sleeved cardigan is knit in pieces and seamed. My mods for that are on my Ravelry project page. All links are at the end of the post. 

I've put the patterns for the sweater, tam and skirt on a PDF file that you can download here.  I don't have the pictures below on the PDF file as I hate long patterns that I have to print out and imagine you feel the same way.  If you are a beginner at sewing you may need to come back to this tutorial post to see all the pictures.   Beginner or not, your doll should be wearing her skirt and hat within the hour!  You can make the tam and skirt with 3/8 yard fabric.

 Let's begin with the hat!

For the tam, cut out two circles 6 1/2" diameter. 
On one circle cut out a center circle to leave a 1 1/2" wide circle for the underside of the hat.
Discard center circle.  For brim, cut out a 14" by 2" strip.

With right sides together, seam outer circle with a 1/4" seam.  Turn right side out and press.

With right sides together, machine sew brim to inner circle opening, overlapping brim ends.

This is what it looks like now.  For ease, clip seam every inch up to but not into stitches.

To finish brim: fold a 1/4" hem then fold brim in half and pin to seam.

Top stitch brim close to the seam.  Press. Sew optional pom pom or button to center of tam.

Now let's make the skirt!

Cut out a piece of fabric 10 1/2 " by 30".  Fold in half lengthwise with right sides facing  and stitch 1/4" along raw edge.  Turn right side out and press.  This stitched side will be your bottom hem.

To make the gathered waistband: at opposite end of hem, stitch 1/2" down from fold along length.  Cut a 12" piece of elastic, draw through waistband and firmly secure at both ends.

To finish:  with right sides together sew 1/2"seam, finish with a zig zag stitch if desired and trim.  Finished!

Awww, she looks awfully cute doesn't she?  Party perfect!

The sweater is my own design, Snickerdoodle, link below.

I was lucky and had these decorative buttons in my button box.

I found this fabric with buttons to match at JoAnn's.

Download the free PDF pattern here.
My Ravelry project posts for Snickerdoodle here and here.
The daisy cardi Ravelry project page is here.
Boxy Cardigan by Emily Ivey.

My patterns are intended for home use.
You may certainly use them for charity and bazaar sales,
but do give the Knitionary blog credit!  Thank you.

Good bye for now!  xo Kristen

Linked to The Dedicated House


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  1. Thank you for this post! Everything is so cute, from the buttons to the fabric and of course, the sweaters. I've printed out the pattern and will keep it for when my granddaugter gets a little older and asks for a doll. I'm certain that will happen one day even though she is only 2 now! Happy New Year!

  2. Such an adorable outfit! Thank you for this darling pattern.

  3. The sweaters are really cute, but how do you make the shoes?

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  5. Hi, I just made your "Snickerdoodl" Tam O'Shanter. Thank you. It was easy, quick,and turned out lovely!!! Just what I was looking for. No doubt I'll make several.

  6. Thank you so much for your adorable patterns! My granddaughter is going to love this, I just knitted her a coat for her doll and now she will have some more clothes to dress her doll.

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